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It’s fleet insurance is a completely free comparison site. We compare fleet insurance quotes from our panel of trusted specialist insurers to find a policy that suits you.

These approved insurers will then contact you with the details of your fleet insurance quote allowing them to tailor your quote around your needs.

We understand from years of experience that the best way of obtaining a competitive quote is speaking to specialist insurers. Our website enables you to complete one simple form, taking the hassle out of the process. You will be contacted by our carefully selected partners and offered their most competitive prices.

To find the best quote for you, simply fill out our 1 page quote form and start saving today!

  • Our service is completely free
  • We only work with the best insurers
  • Our quote form is quick and easy
  • We provide a hassle-free service
  • Flexible payment options

Why it’s fleet insurance?

We have been comparing fleet insurance for decades and understand what makes a good policy. Our service allows you to compare policies that suit your needs from our panel of trusted insurers. We match you with 3-5 carefully selected insurance specialists, which allows you to select the policy that suits you best.


The information you supply will be used for processing your insurance quotation. Take care to answer all questions accurately and to the best of your knowledge, otherwise the insurance you arrange could be invalid or any claim may be rejected or not fully paid.

By clicking "Get a quote now" you are confirming that you accept our Terms & Conditions and that you consent to us using your information as set out in our Privacy Policy